Saturday, November 28, 2009

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Does black hair occur naturally on white people? I've seen black hair, but it's always been dyed or a wig.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

yeah it occurs on white people, its just u don't see white hair occuring on black people;lol

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Of course it does! I've known several white people with black hair.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Yes it does. My family has naturally black hair =D

Unfortunately, I do not....I love black hair...

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

no not that i know of. it could be a possibility

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

I have family who have naturally black hair so yes it does occur naturally in white people.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Hey it happened to me!

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

It does. My mother's family has black hair.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

yes...especially if they have like an italian heritage.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Sure, some folks have natural black hair

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

White people are capable of having any color of hair from blonde to black.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

it always depends on what white they are. If they're italian white? albanian white? yugoslavian white, polish white? and yeah on some of them black hair is natural.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

What?! It may not be on their head, but you can find it on all other parts of the body - arms, legs, genitals, armpits, face, back, etc.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

No. If you see white people with black's either a wig, or a dye job. Natural dark hair on white people is just very dark brown. Black people are the only ones who can truly have black hair.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Yes. A lot of people in my family have it, (at least three)

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

I have naturally very dark hair and I am very, very pale with blue eyes.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?


Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Yes it does! My friend is as white as they come and he has black hair......but I think he is supposed to be mexican lol

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Um yeah. I know its hard to believe but white people can have naturally black hair.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Of corse it does. I have known alot of people with black hair that were white. What is interesting though is if you go to China which I have done a few times and are in a crowd of people, every single persons hair is exactly the same color jet black. I found that interesting

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?


Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Yes it does in some people

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

Yes, it does.

To list some famous people off the top of my head-

1. Courtney Cox

2. Daniel Radcliffe

Yeah. Tho it seems to me that Caucasians with black hair are usually pale.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

What a strange question. Yes it does. Several of my relatives, including my sister, have very black, shiny hair, much blacker than most African Americans. I have met an Italian woman with naturally blond hair and a young girl in Spain who had red hair. The races have have been interbreeding for thousands of years, so this should not be surprising.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

yes i am white and i have the blackest of black hair. two of my great great grandparents were full blooded indian though.

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

sometimes it does but alot of times you would see a white person with maybe BLONDE hair

Does black hair occur naturally on white people?

yes my fbuddy have natural black hair and blue eye he look mad nice

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